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Don't Waste Another Summer!

shorts Nov 09, 2021

How many summers have you wasted because you don't practice during the winter? When it gets cold, a lot of golfers stop practicing. They start to hibernate during the winter. Then they expect their game will be there when summer comes around. My friend, you will be greatly disappointed. 

Winter is the time of the year to make any swing changes. When you hit into a net, you are not as worried about where the ball goes, and that's a great thing. When working on swing mechanics, you don't need to worry about ball performance but instead, work on video performance. I have a premium golf lesson and practice facility that allows us to work on your golf swing no matter the weather. During the winter, we need to work on a couple of things: 

  • Fix poor swing mechanics (if applicable).
  • Maintain swing mechanics developed over the summer. 
  • Develop a maintenance plan.
  • Keep short game fundamentals solid.
  • Keep your putting stroke fundamentals sound. 

Please don't allow yourself to waste another summer by spending half of it just trying to get back to where you were. Let's build a plan that will enable you to build off each summer's success year to year. 

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